
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My First Adventure with Advertising

            Looking back, I really struggle to remember the first advertisement that I encountered.  Obviously, I have been exposed to them since birth, I just wasn’t aware of them until I got older.  One of the advertisements that really made an impact on me during my childhood was the Kit-Kat commercial.  I can’t remember one commercial or advertisement in particular, but I clearly remember the song that was in every commercial…
 “Give me a break, give me a break,
Break me off a piece of that Kit-Kat bar!”
            I don’t think that this song made me want to purchase Kit-Kats any more than I already did, but the song was definitely catchy, and you were able to easily associate the song with the product and vice versa.
            There have been plenty of Kit-Kat commercials since then, but very few, if any, have included the song.  Recently, they have gone back to including the tune of the song in the commercial, but no lyrics.  I thought this was an interesting concept.  It drew my interest back into Kit-Kats because it reminded me of my childhood.  But for those children that don’t know the song, the advertisement itself was still attention grabbing and gained their interest as well.  I appreciated the effort of Kit-Kat to regain the attention of adults, but still pay attention to the market of younger children, and maybe give them a song to sing in the future.

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