
Thursday, November 8, 2012

An Adventure with Got Milk? and Kelly Fisher (Class Speaker Prep)

            Kelly Fisher will be talking to our class today about her work with the Got Milk? campaign.  I am pretty excited about it, because though I am not a milk drinker, I absolutely love the campaign.  Below is my preparation for her presentation...

            To be honest, I was not able to find a whole lot of information on Kelly Fisher.  I couldn’t even find her on LinkedIn.  Though I do know that she has been with Got Milk? for a few years now.

            As far as Got Milk? Goes, they have been running essentially the same campaign for the past 19 (almost 20) years.  They use celebrities and other famous figures to promote their campaign by placing milk mustaches on each of them in their advertisements.  For the most part, they have all been print advertisements, and though they have not worn off on people, especially when using multiple different celebrities over the years, Got Milk? has kind of fallen by the wayside in my opinion.

            I think the biggest problem that Got Milk? is currently facing is that there have been so many proponents of other sources of calcium, and the organization is no longer advertising as much, leading some people to forget about this monumental campaign.  This is something to be addressed.

            Not until looking on the Got Milk? website did I know that the organization has come out with a different campaign that promotes the idea that “Real milk comes from cows.”  The campaign is trying to inform consumers that there are so many more ingredients in the other milks on the market (soy, almond, etc.) rather than the few in cow’s milk.  After perusing around the site, I think that this is a rather interesting campaign; it just needs to be promoted more.  I was not aware of it until going directly to the site.  This is something that needs to be fixed.

Questions for Ms. Fisher:

            What type of work do you do working for a campaign that doesn’t necessarily promote a brand, but rather a general product category (milk)?

            How did you get into the industry?

            What inspired the creative behind the commercials and the “Imitation Milk Kit”?

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